Weeds. What Are They Good For? Absolutely Nothing.

Spring.  I have a love/hate relationship with it.  I love to watch the golf course come alive from the depths of winter.  Green grass, trees budding with leaves, water running in the creek bed from the winter melt, my brother’s eyes that swell shut from his allergy to Oak trees.  It’s all the best part of spring.

I have often thought that scientists should somehow make a hybrid in a grass seed mix that provides grass the tenacity that weeds possess in their ability to grow.  It always seems like you can look out into your flower beds on Thursday and they look clean and fresh.  On Friday, the same beds have weeds the size of a small child.  Seriously.  How does that happen?

In between rains, we have to take advantage of every possible ounce of daylight to stay on top of all the outside jobs at the golf course.  Not the least of which is pulling weeds.


Luckily, I have a great crew and with a little effort, we had the minigolf and grounds around the clubhouse looking good in a short amount of time.  Jake set to work pulling the big ones.  The ones that grow faster than an old man’s nose hairs.


They grow with a vengeance.


I have known Jake since he was a little kid.  He’s hilarious.  That’s a requirement if you want to work at the golf course.  You need to make us laugh.  Life is too short to be grumpy.  Golf is fun.

Yep.  Even some of the weeds have pretty flowers on them.


After Jake had gone through and pulled all the big weeds, Doug came through with Round Up to finish the rest off.  Round Up takes a few days to see results, so in the spring we try to do a combined effort of pulling and spraying to stay on top.  You know how your grandma tells you that you’ve been growing like a weed.  Yeah.  There’s a reason why that is a saying.


How about you?  What’s your desired weed pulling method?  At home, I like to use it as punishment for my kids.  If they fight, they have to go pull weeds in the flower beds or hug each other.  Works like a charm.

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