Titleist Rocks. Period.

No.  Titleist isn’t paying me to say that.  I just have to brag on them a little bit.  We recently had a meeting with them to get ready for the new year.  Our sales rep is named Trent.  He is amazing and treats us really well.  When he came in to the clubhouse, he was surprised at all of the changes that we have underway right now at the golf course.  Titleist is offering a great promotion to their loyal fans right now!

I’ve been playing golf since about the time that I could walk.  My parents tell me that when I was a really little kid (maybe two-ish), I would go out on the course with them.  Every time my mom or dad hit the ball, I’d holler out, “Good Shot!”  It didn’t matter if they had duffed it or if it really was a good shot.  Every time, I hollered it out.  I have very vague memories of hurrying up to the green, so I could have that super important job of removing the flagstick for my family members who were playing golf.

No one ever told me what type of ball that I needed to hit.  In fact, I don’t think I ever hit a new golf ball until I was an adult.  Growing up on a golf course meant that I was never in need a golf ball.  They were either hit and lost in my back yard or found by a mower.  I guess I owe all of my golfers a hardy thank you!

When I was in high school, I played on the golf team and thought I should pay a little more attention to my game.  I had grown up with my dad whose idea of a gimmee is about a four foot putt.  It’s surprising how much better I played with my dad than those crazy girls on the golf team who made me make the ball actually go into the cup!  They were constantly pulling out their book of golf rules.  Apparently the USGA never approved the foot wedge as a real golf club!  I fooled them and used it while they weren’t looking.  HA!

At this time, I decided to try a myriad of different golf balls to find which one I liked the best.  It didn’t take long before I settled on Titleist.  My favorite types of Titleist golf balls are ones that have some sort of weird logo on them.  I like to differentiate myself from the other members of my foursome.  My mom also prefers Titleist.  My sister is a fan of Pinnacle.   The fourth member of my foursome is my aunt.  She plays with anything that isn’t white.  I’m always surprised at the golf balls she is able to find.  Some of them are green or silver.  Over the years, my sister and I have found that we also enjoy naming whatever golf ball my aunt Nancy pulls from her bag.  For the longest time, she played with what we deemed to be The Silver Bullet.

It was a super cool golf ball that sadly ended up in the pond.  It looked like this.


My guess is that now it is probably covered in pond muck.

Ok.  Back to my original story.  I like Titleist.  As it turns out, many golfers like Titleist.

Luckily.  Titleist likes golfers, too.  As I mentioned before, I prefer to have a golf ball that has some sort of interesting marking on it.  Imagine if you will, if the golf ball had my name on it.  Possibly the words – Return to Clubhouse.  (That way no one would be able to see that I had hit my golf ball under the willow on number 18.  Yes.  I have many golf balls under that stupid tree.)

Titleist is running a special from now until April 13, 2014.  When you order three dozen personalized ProV1 or ProV1x, you’ll get the fourth dozen for FREE.  I won’t make any guarantees, but I bet that’d be at least three strokes off your game!


It’s super easy to get started.  You just need to fill out this form.  There is a four week window they need to get the balls all printed up fancy with your name or initials.  Once they get shipped to us, we’ll give you a call and then you can stop out to pick them up.  Maybe you could even play a round of golf while you’re picking up your new fancy Titleist personalized golf balls.  You’ll be the talk of your foursome!

The other cool option they are offering is if you have a lucky number that you’d like to be imprinted under the Titleist logo, they will make it happen.  As long as it’s a two digit number, you can have it printed.  There is a nominal fee ($1/dozen) to make that happen, but if you like the number 13, then you can go for it!


Spill the beans.  What’s your favorite golf ball?

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