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Anyone a big fan of Black Friday?  Our family has never been very into the rush of the big box stores.  We prefer to spend the day with our family and enjoy the down time that this time of the year provides for us.

The winter is often a pretty sleepy time around the golf course.  Snow blankets the greens and temperatures drop down low enough that you might look tan after playing.  Not from the sun, but rather a nice wind burn.  Since we are family owned, we stay open as long as there is no snow on the ground.  You can find us in the clubhouse on days as long as the temperature is above 40 degrees.  This is especially true during the month of December because there are many golfers who’d like a gift that reminds them of the fun they can have when the warmer temperatures return.

You will rarely find us at the mall or purchasing gifts from a chain store.  Since we are family owned, we always try to support our fellow business owners who are struggling in this new world where we live.  It’s hard to compete with a larger chain who is able to purchase product at a bulk rate because they are purchasing for multiples stores that cover an entire nation.  We’re just one business.  Trying to provide our patrons a good service.  Most of our charm is found in our atmosphere that is created because golfers, minigolfers, and guests can talk to an owner or family member when they make a stop out to our place.  That’s hard to duplicate.  This year, we thought we’d have fun with that charm and offer some fun items that you can’t find at a big store.

Theresa has been busy creating some fabulous stocking stuffers that you can grab when you head out to buy a gift card this holiday season.  IMG_4151

We’re a resourceful bunch.  Snack bar in the summer months.  Crafting center in the winter.

IMG_4149Here are snowflakes that she made as tree ornaments.


They are on display and fill our Golf Shop with a festive vibe.


Just like real snowflakes, each one has its own character and unique qualities.  They are completely created with golf supplies.  Tees.  Ball markers.  Golf Shoe Spikes.

IMG_4429She also created some fun golf ball ornaments.


These ornaments are only $3.99 and, more importantly, they were made with love.


During this holiday season, we are also throwing in some extras for our golfers.  When you purchase a $50 gift card, we’ll throw in a $10 gift card for you.  If you’re anything like me, it’s always fun to get a little gift for yourself while you’re out shopping for the kids er, spouse. As the old saying goes… One for you, two for me.


If you don’t want to stop out, just give us a call and we’ll put the gift card in the mail for you!

What’s on your list this year?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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