Running Scared Zombie 5K

A couple of weeks ago, we hosted a 5K at our golf course to raise money for Shoes that Fit.  We were super excited to be able to present them a check for $1,200.  All of the money will stay right here in our area to provide shoes to low income children.

Front Row: My mom, Fred Brady, Me (Allison George), Shoes that Fit Representative, Leslie Malcolm.
Back Row: My dad, Tom and my brother, Jason

All I have to say, is WOW!  That was so much fun.  For several years, I have wanted to do some sort of an event to showcase our beautiful property that has been naturalized by my dad, Tom.  The Human Squirrel.  He has planted thousands of trees by seed and over the last 15 years, he has created a beautiful sanctuary for birds, wildlife and native grasses.  After attending a golf conference last January, I ran into a friend who had competed in a zombie 5K.  Something just clicked for me.  Originally, I thought it’d be fun to hold a zombie run and raise money for the Blood Center of Iowa.  Then, I remembered my sweet friend, Leslie.  She and her boss, Bob, help to run the Shoes that Fit Organization here in Des Moines.  I set up a meeting with them and explained that I wanted to hold a fundraiser for them.  They were so excited about the idea.  The plan was on.   It was so fun to see all the hard work come together on Race Day.

IMG_7229Runners begin checking in on the driving range.  They received a runner’s packet that had a drink ticket, ticket to the after party, bib number, and flag football belts that would serve as health.

DSC_4221While the runners stretched on the driving range, our zombies were busy getting transformed in our zombification zone.


The race started on our driving range tee box.  They ran up the hill and into the first of several forested areas on our property.

DSC_4262They made their way into the forest.

DSC_4279All runners had flag football belts around their waists.  These represented their health.  Would they survive the brain eating zombies?  We had prom queen zombie.

DSC_4282Then, we had zombie Luigi, Minnie Mouse, and Captain America.

DSC_4323Our runners did their best to avoid the zombies.  It proved to be more challenging than even I had anticipated.  While I watched, I noticed hardly anyone had their flags, so I set out to find new flags for the runners to wear!  My brother and I had full time jobs of keeping runners supplied with water.  Up until race day, it had been fairly mild temperatures.  Race day was pretty hot.  We went through a lot of water!

DSC_4374We had several health flag stations set up out on the course, but I definitely didn’t provide enough.  Who knew how accurate those zombies would be at eating brains?!

DSC_4492We had tall grasses for zombies to hide amongst.  This caught many unsuspecting runners by surprise.   Look at them.  Laughing.  Ha.  Ha.  We made it up that horrible hill with our flags attached!DSC_4430Then, the cheerleader pounced on her prey.


We had some zombies who crawled.  Most were chasers.

DSC_4475The course weaved through  trees and up and down hills.

DSC_4513The final destination ended by running around the pond and near the minigolf until the runners finished by our conference center.

DSC_4559Triumph for ending the race with health flags in place!

DSC_4578Runners received two types of shirts.

DSC_4588One for the dead and one for the survivors.DSC_4611Next up was the Apocalypse Party that followed!

DSC_4590The room was lit with blacklights to add some fun to the evening.

DSC_4640We had a best zombie contest.

DSC_4730Our cheerleader zombie was the favorite!

DSC_4607It was so much fun. I truly enjoyed watching others who were having a great time.  It made all the hard work worth the effort!

DSC_4613I have organized many events before, but this was my first stab at running a 5K.  I definitely learned a lot and met many great people along the way.

CLICK HERE for a massive gallery of photos from the evening.  Please feel free to use them for your own personal use!

Thanks again for coming out to enjoy the day!  It happened to coincide with the second longest day of the year.  The moon came out shortly before 10 p.m.


How about you?  Are you prepared to survive the zombie apocalypse?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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