Recovering Chairs Revisited

When we last left off our super hero, Jason, was busily removing staples from the backs of the seat cushions preparing to put on new material.

While I was having fun in Florida, Jason and Theresa stayed back home to man the fort.  It wasn’t because they didn’t want to attend the golf conference, but one of their daughters was due with their fifth grandchild.  Somehow being home to meet their granddaughter was more important than meeting Jack Nicklaus.   Geesh.  Priorities!  Good news!  The baby arrived on Friday!

Welcome to Audra Eloise! Jason and Theresa’s new grandbaby!

Because I’m a good sister and the family foolishly gave me the General Manager title, I rallied the troops before I left with a gentle list of things that needed to get done while I was away.



Maybe I went a little overboard?

The first order of business was to pick up some more material.  Poor Theresa had to go to about seven different stores before she finally had enough of the fabric to get all 83 chairs recovered.  Next up, she cut them into squares.


You’ll notice that our chair recovering operation had to be moved from the room they were originally working because (being the good sister that I am) I booked an event in the larger room making it so that Jason had to move all 83 chairs to the front of the clubhouse, so they would be out the way of the event.

Dude.  I know this makes me look bad, but just think of all that exercise Jason got moving all of those chairs to the front of the building.  His heart health is secretly thanking me.

I think.

It was finally time for the fun part.  Stapling your fingers the material to chair seats.


They work as a team because they found it to be most beneficial when there are many hands involved.  Theresa neatly folds the material around the edges of the seat base.


Jason staples in the four corners.


Then, they work their way around the seat until it is completely and securely recovered.


All of our seat cushions are attached with velcro.  This makes it really easy for us to switch out a seat cushion should we need to or remove it for any reason.

After the material is attached, Theresa sprays every cushion with Scotch Guard.  As I mentioned earlier, we recovered all 250 of our chairs about five years ago.  Every year, we clean and spray them with Scotch Guard and it really has made them last well.


There you have it.  A beautifully recovered seat.  Here are Jason and Theresa with their We’re so Happy We Didn’t Get to Meet Jack Nicklaus and Stayed Home to Recover Chairs Instead faces!


I’m please to say that all 83 chairs are officially recovered, so now we’re ready to move on to our next project!

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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