Project. Project. Man. I want to be a Project Man.

Please sing that title to the tune of Macho Man.  It will make you smile.  Or maybe not.

As I told you earlier, we have been blessed to have a great crew.  Not the least of which is our outside staff who also happen to be great carpenters.  Evidence seen HERE.

They have been building us projects on the golf course long before I started this little blog here, so I thought I’d do a quick round up of some of the other projects they have created since last fall for the golf course.

First up was the building of some benches on the golf course.  We previously had benches, but we were ready for a different look.  Something simple and immovable.


Once again, I described a general idea of what I wanted and Dick and Doug set to work making things look good.  They built 7 benches to put on tee boxes on the golf course.  Mainly the par threes where traffic can sometimes get backed up.IMG_3981

They dug holes in the ground and inserted the posts into the ground.

IMG_4005This project was done last fall, so these babies need to be stained when the weather gets warm enough for us to get out the stain.

IMG_4032If you’re wondering why the tee sign on number 9 is just laying on the ground, there’s a good story to go with that.  My dad, Toad Valley’s Tree Guy, loves his trees and he doesn’t really like to cut them down.  There was a pine tree that had been slowly dying near number nine tee box.  I had asked him to cut it down last spring, but I was met with much resistance because there was still a small amount of green on the top of the tree.  It took showing him a picture that I had taken on the golf course for him to change his mind.  He agreed that it was time to cut down the mostly dead tree.  Out came the chain saw and down went the tree.  Right on top of the fake boulder hole sign.  Crushing the fake boulder.


Now.  The sign rests in the woodchips waiting for a new real boulder.

I digress.  Back to our handy Project Men.

They also built a fabulous new bag stand last fall which can hold almost 3 times more bags than our previous bag stand.

IMG_4171Once the weather warms up, we will get our staining crew in action on this piece, too.  Man.  I sure hope the person who stains things around these parts doesn’t read this blog.  Lots of staining work needs to be done!

We also installed some fabulous new benches for golfers to gather around the clubhouse area.  This tends to be a pretty busy spot with people.  Parents wait while their young ones are in lessons, wedding guests wait to be seated for ceremonies and golf outings wait for friends to arrive.  These benches will definitely get a good work out.

IMG_4174As I had mentioned in this post, these benches are placed in the area that previously held our starter shed.  As you can see by this picture, our starter shed has some new plans of its own.  Here is a reference picture of what it kind of looked like.  That is, until we began disassembling it.


We have been tossing around some ideas on what we can do to warm up this area with plants or vines.  Possibly some outdoor pillows.  You just never know what we have up our sleeves.  In the meantime, these benches make for a pretty nice resting area.

IMG_4173What about you?  Where do you sit when you’re waiting for friends at the golf course?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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