Meet Freddi. The Kitchen Guru.

I thought it might be fun to share some of the kitchen “behind the scenes” with you. My plan is to show you pictures of some of our creations, share recipes, and just an overall view of life in the kitchen with Freddi.

Jason, my son, and his wife,Tree and Allison, my daughter, and her husband,Kelly, came into business with us 9 years ago. When we first remodeled the clubhouse,they pulled me in off of the mower and said, “Start cooking, Mom.” So… I did.

We began with thinking that we would have a short order kitchen offering breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After going through about 3 cooks (I didn’t think I could work 6am to 9pm every day), we quickly revisited the idea.  That was when the idea of just cooking for golf groups and offering the sandwiches up front in the snack bar would be sufficient. (I was totally in favor of that idea!)

Well, as time goes by, we eventually remodeled the maintenance and put in a conference center. Along with that, we had to offer people food, didn’t we? Of course! So… we did. Ur. Rather, I did.

I spent time putting together a golf menu plus a wedding reception menu. Then after a while, we thought maybe we should be offering dress rehearsal dinners, shower menus, birthday menus, bridal brunches, lunches for the favorite cats and dogs… just kidding about that last one in case you really believed that.

At this time, a friend of mine offered to help with dishes if I needed it… she must have been crazy but, boy oh boy, I accepted her offer in no time flat. That friend, Julie, is still with me, but now we are making the food together and I have someone else doing the dishes. (Jason, my son, wouldn’t cook so he has to do dishes… that’s just the way it is in a family run business).

65964_1522049023686_420627_nHere is a picture of Julie and Me celebrating our final wedding of the year.  Forty of them down!

We did remodel the kitchen which happened one winter while I was in Texas (thank goodness) and we’re pretty much at maximum efficiency for the moment. (That would be until we decide to do something else… always want to leave the door open for that, you know).

This week I’m letting you see how happy I was when we first installed our dishwasher. Up until this moment, we were handwashing all of the plates, goblets, and silverware. Now we only hand wash the kitchen tools, serving dishes, pots and pans which barely amounts to anything! (You may not talk to Jason, Julie, or Dylan about that last comment!)


Well, that’s all I’m going to share with you this time but believe me there are lots more stories coming.

Take care and God bless,

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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