March Madness Winners

Jason spent a total of 22 hours working on the pool. He thought there might be some other numbers nerds out there so here are some stats.

2195 total correct picks
372 Unique individuals with at least 1 correct pick
120 individual winners
85 people with 10 or more correct
13 people with 20 or more correct
4 people tied with 23 out of a possible 30 games

Iowa teams played a role in the highest and lowest numbers of correct picks. The first game set us off to a poor start with only 6 (traitorous!) people picking UAB. However, our 5th game had an overwhelming high with 145 people picking Iowa.

Sean Kirkpatrick, who accurately picked 23 games correct wins the special “unluckiest person in the pool” award for not having any of those 23 games score him a prize. $10

Most unlikely name award: April May June
Best basketball name award:Jimmy Hoopes
Most cursedly difficult names for me to type awards:
Rick Demuynckm, Adam Kalwishky, and Stephanie Schnoebelen.

The “FIRST” award (aka, Toad’s biggest fan award) goes to Kolby Starr who almost always had the first pick in each round. Introduce yourself when you come out.

Taking the family and kickin butt awards:
The Thompson’s (not necessarily related) Mark, Scott, Sommer and Todd had a combined 53 correct picks.

Perhaps more astonishing, the Young’s, Timmy and Jeremy had an amazing combined 42 correct picks

If you find your name misspelled, Jason apologizes. His typing is not what it used to be. We all wish you could ALL win something because we appreciate you playing.

The winners: Alphabetically by first name

Adam Sondag, Allison Judge, Allison Piper, Amy Gould, Angela Veenstra, Ashley Rungee,

Bethany Schemmel, Bill Fratzke, Bill Odom, Bill Porter, Brad Jackson, Brett Godwin, Brian Charleston,

Casey Gloege, Charlie Folsom, Christian Rundle, Courtney Bower, Craig Keith, Curt Malaise,

Daniel Burke, Darell Butcher, Daryl Sackmann, David Blair, David Webber, Deb Townsend, Denise Hopkin, Dwayne Campbell,

Eric Tappan, Ethan Scott,

Greg Funaro,

Heather Benesh,

Jacob Rodenberg, James Flanagan, Jana Bower, Jared Paullin, Jason Schlitz, Jayme Marquart, Jeff Buehler, Jeff Loneman, Jeff Yoder, Jen Bonnichsen, Jennifer Morrison, Jeremy Olesen, Jeremy Vande Noord, Jeremy Young, Jesse Hanson, Jim Byers, Joe Eilbeck, Joe Gahman, Joe Yang, Joel Newman, John Ehlinger, John Haines, John Mitchell, John Walker, Josh Elmquist, Josh Schroyer, Josi Shepherd, Justin Bonta,

Karla Lanser, Ken Reed,

Lindsay Weigel, Liz Gibson, Lorin Rickabaugh, Lucas Iburg,

Mark Wood, Matt Sheets, Matt Ziska, Mike Bunch, Mike Cook, Mike Raitt,

Nick Loiocomo,

Ron Ehlinger, Ronda Finch-Shinogle, Ryan LaRosee,

Sara Wright, Sean Kirkpatrick, Shelly Krauth, Sommer Thompson, Stephanie Schnoebelen,

Tamara Harter, Theron Vanderflute, Timmy Young, Todd York, Tony Dierson, Travis Hartman, Troy Cook, Tyler Abels, Tyler Veenstra, Tyson Bos,

Wade Den Hartog,

Zeke Campbell


Austin Miller, Carol Van Dyke, Jason Karaidos, Jeremy Siglin, John Eighmey, John Gordon, Jon Ault, Kolby Starr Lana Nickell, Matthew Kizer, Matthew Risberg, Ryan Hohanshelt, Sandi Starcevich, Scott Coe, Scott Thompson, Tammy Peterson


Ashley Elizabeth, Brad Feldman, Bud Simpson, Carlene Hohl, Carrie Burns, Dawn Pewick, Travis McCuen


Brandon Buckner, Dennis Davitt, Kurt Witte, Steve Armstrong

Congrats to all and THANK YOU for participating.

All winners may pick up their gift cards at the clubhouse. All gift cards must be picked up, at Toad Valley, before May 31st. There is no cash value. Gift cards may be used for ANYTHING that Toad Valley sells; golf, minigolf, food, drink, merchandise, lessons etc.

Thanks again!

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