Golfers. Start Your Engines.

In a family run business, everyone just chips in.  Clogged toilet?  I’m on it.  Carpets need cleaning.  Yep! That, too.  Tables and chairs need moved around for a party?  Garbage left in the driveway.  There is no shame.  You get dirty.  You get pulled away from your “real” job.    You just chip in.

Same goes for our employees.  Have a skill set from a previous job?  We’re going to take advantage of it.  Enter.  Dick and Doug.  Our two skilled outside workers who also happen to be fabulous carpenters.

The project list at the golf course could probably circle the earth a few times.  In other words, there are lots of them.  Some big.  Some small.  All are important to at least someone.  How do they get to the top of the list?  It usually comes down to time and money.

Let’s start with some back story, shall we?  We had already moved the starter shack that used to be near number nine green several years ago.  We had it placed in the little raised area where pull carts were previously stored.  It looked nice there and fit perfectly.  The problem was that our starters never used it.  They preferred to stand near the Coke machine.  It was just an easier place for them to preform their duties, juggle carts and talk to golfers.

When our Menards rebate check arrived this spring, we knew what we were going to do.  Last fall we removed the starter shack off the premises and replaced it with some nice benches for golfers and guests to gather.   Our starters were going to get new digs.


The boys went to Menards and spent all but $2.13 of our rebate check!  Woot!  The lumber includes enough material to fix the signs on number 1 and 10 as well as building three directional signs for guests when they arrive.

We have had many frosty mornings this spring, so they used those mornings when they couldn’t get on the golf course because of frost to start knocking off items on the project list.

IMG_3851My favorite part about our staff is that they are all friends.  Our outside crew gets along like peas and carrots.  You give them a list and they can knock it out in no time.

IMG_3846Dick and Doug came up with the design after I told them what my goals were.   First, I wanted a place to store pull carts that wasn’t ugly.  Next, I wanted a shelf to store all of our starter’s belongings.  Then, we also needed a counter, so golfers could easily visit with the starter and sign cart release forms.

IMG_3847They still need to add some shelves and we need to wait for the weather to warm up, so we can stain it.
How about you?  What kind of spring projects have you been working on?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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