Going a Little Shabby Chic

First of all.  Guy Alert.  This post is about Women’s Clothing and refinishing furniture.  If you’re interested, read on.  Otherwise, you can check out some man projects right here!

We have tried all kinds of ways to attract women golfers to purchase our products.  Over the years, we’ve tried golf cook books, different styles of clothing, pink clubs, green bags, grilling tools.  You get the picture.  Then, we met Trisha Trixie.  She custom makes aprons and fun hair options as well as bling for shoes.  Theresa and I decided that it was worth a shot, so we met up with Trisha for some idea inspiration with a little golf flare.


We were pretty excited after our first meeting when she introduced some of her ideas.  She creates custom shoes that are super fun.  Obviously they wouldn’t be worn on the golf course, but you could definitely sport them at one of our other events!  Plus, she had some fun hair clips or pins to put on a golf hat, bag or towel.  Ladies.  It isn’t always about the golf.  It’s more about playing the part!


We tried these out on some of our golf hats and thought they might be worth a try to see if our women golfers thought they might be fun.  In order to get things looking good for our new ladies area in the Golf Shop, we decided to create a little room area in one of our display cabinets.  My husband’s grandma had given us a chest of drawers a few years ago.  I didn’t have a use for it, so I brought the chest to the golf course thinking we could find some way to use it here.

Theresa decided she wanted to paint it.  She got the old chest of drawers primed and then she painted them red.  This would eventually be the undertones on the cabinet.


I must admit.  I truly thought she had lost her mind when I walked in to find her looking like this.

IMG_4920Let me tell you.  The girl knows how to have fun!  Next up, she painted the drawer fronts and chest the same color as our walls in the Golf Shop.  After the paint was applied, she got some sandpaper and got to work rubbing off some of the paint.


Sometimes blood is the sacrifice for a good clothing display!


The main cabinet got painted and started looking much less scary.


To give the drawers and cupboard some interesting definition, she added some additional colors in a similar hue.  This paint is from Home Depot.  We love it.  Over the years, we have gotten so many compliments on our choice of color in the clubhouse and we owe it all to this color at Home Depot.  We also were given some sample paints of several different green colors.  They worked really well for this project!


The drawer pulls had previously been all wood, so Tree picked up some coordinating fabric that would tie the color scheme together and covered all the drawer pulls with the fabric.  Because this chest isn’t going to be used in a home, we didn’t have to make everything exact.  Our intention is to have some of Trisha Trixie’s designs spilling out of the cabinet once we get the whole display set up!


Theresa wasn’t satisfied with only the sandpaper roughing up the edges, so she went at the cabinet with a wire brush that she found lying around in my dad’s shop.  Use what you have, right?


I asked her if she had ever done this before and she just started laughing.  Apparently there is always a first for painting and scratching furniture with a wire brush.  Check out the final product!  Looking good!  Now, we can’t wait to get our display put together.


Check it out!

How about you?  Ever rummaged around and decided to paint with a wire brush?  Have you ever thought your sister-in-law lost her mind when she painted furniture red?  Yeah.  Me neither.

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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