Fancy Seeding You Here!

As you may or may not know, we’ve been working on creating a new ceremony site at the golf course.  It all started last year, when the drought caused our ponds to go dry.  With an empty pond, we decided to take advantage of it and build a peninsula that would double as a ceremony site.  Throughout the year, we have seeded it several times, but the muck from the pond that makes up the peninsula wasn’t rich enough soil to get any germination.  So, we took a month break or so and got to work on it again in this last month.  We installed irrigation, speaker and electrical wire, then we covered the whole peninsula with compost to help improve the germination rate of the grass seed.

Once all of that was in place, it was time to dump 400 pounds of seed on the peninsula.

Don’t squint too much. This shot was taken before the seed was put down.

After the ground had been tilled, my dad and daughter walked the peninsula and threw out all the larger clumps of soil.  I’m not sure if this was required or merely for entertainment purposes.


Dad and his trusty tractor, tilled up the ground, then he attached the seeder and got to work.


Unfortunately, the tractor got stuck when driving over one of the trenches that housed the wiring.  Dad often likes to cause us problems.  It’s his thing.

My brother, Jason, had to do a little repair work to get it back in order.


The fun part about working with your family is that no matter your age, your parents treat you like you’re about twelve.  Sometimes, it’s fun to pretend that you aren’t an adult.  My dad gently reminded my brother to make sure to put back the electrical tape where he found it.  Jason quickly reverted back to his teenage years and hung the tape where dad couldn’t possibly miss it!


The seed was planted on the peninsula.  Now, we’re just waiting to see if we put on enough compost to get something to germinate.  If this plan doesn’t work, we’ll probably have another post about installing sod.  Given that my dad (and his brothers and dad) built the golf course.  He is bound and determined to get grass to grow by seed.  He did it in 1973, so why not in 2013.  One of the many reasons why I love that man.


How about you?  Do you like to play tricks on your parents?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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