Enjoying Fall

It occurred to me that I’m living up to the common misconception that once the busy summer months pass us by, we sit around and eat bon bons because we don’t have anything else better to do.  Theresa usually plays the role of Peggy Bundy’s personal trainer and tries to get me to exercise, while I sit on the couch like Peggy Bundy and shout, “Bon Bon!” until she gives in and we don’t do anything.

Not really.

Ironically, the fall is actually one of our busier times of the year.  Most of our staff is no longer present which means Theresa works more hours in the clubhouse and I’m her trusty side kick. I think I’d rather be Wonder Woman than Peggy.  Between three kids and the golf course, I find myself coming and going and before I knew it, I went nearly two weeks without providing a golf course update!  Sorry about that!

I have lots of fun projects to share with you, but let’s get started with some of the beauty of the season.


I wish I was a better photographer, so I could capture the scene on the golf course better.


We have over 300 varieties of trees, so that makes for an absolutely breathtaking view of colors.


My favorite drive is coming over the hill when you are driving south on NE 80th Street.  You reach the top of the hill and then the valley is filled with trees as far as the eye can see.


I’ve never been a huge fan of the driving range.  When I played high school golf, I didn’t enjoy hitting balls on the range.  I wanted to get out there and play some “real” golf.  It probably had more to do with the fact that it was girls golf which meant we had to play in the spring and there aren’t many things I hate more than being cold.  Spring golf is often cold golf.  My favorite golf team experience occurred while playing golf in the rain.  One of my opponents from Urbandale decided she’d go after her ball that she had hit out of bounds to the left of number four.  She jumped the fence, but her foot got stuck in the barbed wire and she was stuck hanging upside down from the fence.  The rest of us had to walk all the way in to the clubhouse for help because our coaches  were nice and cozy warm inside the clubhouse staying out of the rain.  I don’t think I have ever laughed that much playing golf.  I wish cell phones had been invented because you can bet that there would be a picture of an upside down golfer to go along with this story!

This time of the year, the driving range calls me.  I can remember planting all of those trees when they were seedlings when I was in high school.  There were over 5,000 of them planted.  Maybe if I had this view, I would have enjoyed the range more in high school.


While I was out taking pictures, I ran across Dick who was putting on the final application of fertilizer on our greens.  Just one of the many steps that we take to button up the golf course for winter.


He got tired after fifteen holes and required my brother, Jason, to come finish for him.  I guess we need to have an exercise regimen for our staff!


How about you?  Where are your favorite places to go in the fall to see beautiful colors?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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