Days of our Ceremony Site Episode #5: We Have Grass!

I’m sure you have all been on the edge of your seat wondering how the new ceremony site is coming along.  When we last left our ceremony site, we had decided to install irrigation and speaker wire, then we seeded the site and crossed our fingers.  The soil has caused us fits all year, so we didn’t have very high hopes.  It was about this time that mother nature decided she would get confused and give us a heat wave at the end of August and first of September and make our ability to maintain water levels more difficult for our irrigation system.

Basically, that was a bunch of mumbo jumbo saying, “It took us a whole lot longer than we thought to get grass to come up.”

Let’s cut to the chase.  We’re happy to announce.  We have grass.


Here’s what it looked like about three weeks ago.


With the cooler temps and little bit of rain that we got last week, it really has helped to get some grass to grow.


We’re pretty pleased with the amount of grass that has come up, however, we plan to plant some additional grass and cover the peninsula with some fertilizer to get it to fill in.  Here’s our to do list for the fall:

  1. build pergola
  2. transplant trees along the cart path that leads across the pond
  3. pull weeds along the bank
  4. landscape around the newly planted trees
  5. bring in additional compost to fill in the low spots of the trenched areas
  6. install bigger irrigation head to get water farther across the peninsula
  7. bring in woodchips for landscaped area
  8. plant native grasses in pond banks
  9. finish connecting speaker system
  10. finish connecting to electricity at the golfer’s lounge

I’m not trained in photoshop by any stretch, so please forgive my very rough vision.  I thought this might help you to see where we are headed with this area.  Trust me.  It’ll be pretty and slightly less disjointed than pictured.


Can you see it?  Does anyone want to take bets on whether we will get all of those items crossed off our to do list this fall?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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