Cinnamon, Sugar, Cookies, Bread - Oh My!

Last year, my mom decided she wanted to have a Bake Sale.  She enjoys spending time in her kitchen and golfers, wedding guests, and family enjoy eating what she makes.  She’s been making homemade cinnamon rolls for years.  When I saw a small girl, she used to make four dozen every morning to sell at the golf course.  The golfers really enjoyed her sale last year, so she declared she was going to do it again.  Man.  Did she ever!  Here she is making a family favorite!  Peanut Butter Balls.  Any recipe that begins with melted butter is going to turn out well.


Today, Friday, November 15 and Tomorrow, November 16th, we’re having a Bake Sale from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Mom has made so many different types of deliciousness that even her apron would probably taste good!  Here’s a coupon to sweeten the deal!

Our family loves peanut butter blossoms with the star chocolate on top.  Yep!  Those are at the sale!  If you use that coupon, you can even get six of those for free!  If you eat them in the car before you get home, no one will ever know!


Mom also has a way with almonds.  I don’t even like almonds and I enjoy the stuff she bakes!  This Scandinavian Almond Cake is heavenly.


My office is upstairs directly above the kitchen.  For the most part, I enjoy its location.  I can hear laughter daily coming from the kitchen and clubhouse.  There is a beautiful view overlooking the golf course.  It’s  a nice place to work.  This last week, the smells have been amazing.  It’s a miracle I’ve gotten any work done at all.  I just keep thinking about cinnamon and sugar.

It took me twice as long to do payroll because I kept trying to eat the paper on my desk.

Here are some delicious cake balls.  Did someone say breakfast?


She even made Chex Mix.  Garlic cooking in the oven.  Yes, please.


I just quickly walked around her kitchen and took pictures of all the goodies she was currently work on like peanut clusters.


and peanut butter balls.  I didn’t get a shot of her cherry mash, but they’re there.

Yeah.  I think for my last supper, I’d request guacamole and cherry mash.  If that’s weird, then I’m cool with that.  Weird is good.IMG_4486Have I mentioned how much I love my mom’s cooking?  No?  Ok.  Here’s more proof.  Cinnamon and sugar roasted pecans.

There are no words.


I know you’re a fan of her brownies.


Seriously.  You need to stop out and enjoy some of these fabulous baked goods.  It’ll earn you extra points for your family.

Unless you eat all of it while you’re in the car.

Not that I’ve ever done that.

Nope.  Never ate all of mom’s brownies before picking up my kids from school.  What kind of mom would do that?

Everything is reasonably priced.  Stop out and enjoy some of mom’s cooking.  You won’t regret it!

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