Caught Ya!

On Wednesday, I was out taking some photos of the golf course when I noticed a familiar foursome.  Yep, that’s right.  Our outside crew was out playing a little golf after their morning of work.


We thought that we might try to conquer the weather and our quest to get the items stained by bringing them inside to a more suitable environment.  Our outside crew was out golfing, so when they made the turn, we sweet talked them into helping us carry in the benches that they had made last fall inside of the clubhouse to be stained.

IMG_4689Dick wanted me to point out that it took two guys to carry one end, while he was able to carry the other end without assistance.  Obviously, he’s been working out.


They placed them inside on an 80 degree day to prepare for the snow that was predicted for later on in the week.


It is hard to believe, but the snow started to fly!  It was my mom’s birthday, so we had a good time celebrating her birthday in style!  Theresa was so happy about the snow.  Seriously?  What else can you do, but celebrate!


She told us that she was brought home from the hospital in a blizzard, so a May snow has happened at least one other time in history!


The snow flakes were so huge that it was actually a really pretty snow.


We thought it was pretty until the snow started to accumulate.

IMG_4916Kim got busy staining these benches.  What else are you going to do on snowy day at a golf course?  She opened up her big five gallon bucket that she had used for this project.  If you recall, the benches were made last fall and we were just waiting for some good weather, so we could get them stained.  In case you didn’t notice, we gave up waiting for good weather this spring.  Inside staining it is!

IMG_4875She spent the majority of the day staining all the many crevices in these loooooong benches.


When they were done, they looked amazing!


We let the benches cure for a day before carrying them back out in the snow.  The outside guys weren’t around, so Kim and I carried them out by ourselves.  We remarked that it took three guys to carry them inside.  Two gals carried them back outside in the snow.  Alone. Not quite sure what that means.

How about you?  Have you taken advantage of the snow and gotten a few more winter projects done around the house?

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