A Tribute to Fred, My Mom

My mom, Freddi the Kitchen Guru, is one of the most hardworking people I know.  Most weekends she cooks food that ultimately serves several hundred people.


She keeps this golf course running with her energy and wit.   There are many days that she spends countless hours washing dishes.  I have never heard her complain.  She just gets right in there and gets it done.


My mom is from Wall Lake, Iowa.  When she was a teenager, her parents owned a sock hop called Lakewood.  Mom was a waitress there and helped her own parents with all of the food preparation.  I’m not sure if she likes cooking at the golf course or not.  I have never thought to ask because she just stepped in to the position when she was needed.  I do know that she can cook some seriously good food.  We celebrate together when the food displayed looks “professional.”  Our family is always learning as we go and trying to improve from one event to the next.  Constantly trying to better our business.

When we first started doing banquets six years ago, mom had to do all of the dishes by hand.  Then, in the winter, we remodeled her kitchen while she was in Texas and surprised her with a commercial dishwasher and a rack to hold all of our plates.  She was very excited!


My parents met at Grand View University.  Mom’s maiden name is Friedrichsen, so that is why she goes by Fred.  She has been Freddi since the 4th grade.  Her parents only had two daughters, so it is her own way of carrying on her father’s name.  My Dad never asked her real name until they had been dating for three months.

Several years ago, my dad gave me a book that he had filled out with answers to questions about his life.  He thought my mom was dreamy when he spotted her from across the room in that classroom long ago.  They are an adorable couple and love each other very much.  I feel so blessed to have such loving, hardworking parents.  In a couple of weeks, they will celebrate their 48th Wedding Anniversary.

Tom & Fred Marry 1965

Mom has been working at the golf course since the beginning.  Yep.  That’d be 40 years ago.  She has had many jobs.  Like mowing rough.


She can even work the skid loader.  I got my “can do” attitude from my mother.  There was never an ounce of fear in her, she just always figured that she could do anything she set her mind to do.


The Toro Groundmaster was her favorite mower when she worked outside on the golf course.  She could be seen at all hours of the day mowing grass.  Only one golfer ever hit her in the leg with his golf ball.  Her mower got hit a few times, though.  I guess the rough isn’t a safe place to mow.


When I was in college, my mom and I worked outside together on the golf course.  I mowed tees and fairways in the morning and then in the afternoon, mom and I would work together on landscaping projects.  Dad always said that the two of us were like ants.  We could carry far more than our weight.  When we would work on projects together, she would always tell me, “Now, when I’m dead and gone, you’re going to remember…”  Then, she would go on to tell me the goofy thing about the day that I would remember.  She was right, too.  The days when I was sitting on top of a big pile of branches or hanging out the side of a golf cart that was covered in tools are the ones that are most distinct in my memories of working with my mom outside on the golf course.


She is always there for me and my family.  Every time I need help, she comes to my aid.  If I’m running late or need help with my kids, she is always there to rescue me.


She has taught me how to be a champion party thrower.  Long before we hosted events at the golf course, mom had been putting on events in her own home.   Always throwing in a pinata for the kids or other fun games.    Or, in the case of this photo, a pinata for my 30 year old cousin.


Our family has been having a pie eating contest at our Fourth of July celebration since I was a little kid.  All brought to you by Fred.   Her pursuit to always do better, set high goals in life, keep your mind on God, and to take advantage of every minute in the day has never wavered.  Her example shines beyond her family, but also to her many friends and church.  Her home is always filled with guests and pseudo family members who are always welcomed with open arms.


I grew up in a wonderful environment.  I often wonder why I was chosen to be in my family.  Not everyone has the blessing of such a loving God fearing family.  My grandma is 97 years old and still comes to my children’s concerts.  Neither one of my parents or grandma ever miss any of their grandchildren’s performances.


Moms are a treasure.  My own mom had lost her mom by the time she was my age.  I can’t fathom raising my children without having a mom there by my side.  In a family owned business, you put in many hours.  I’m truly thankful that I put in those hours right along side of my mom.

I’d just like to say THANKS!  Thanks to my mom for all the many things she has taught me.  Thanks for being such a great example to so many people.  Thanks for showing me that you should always keep your priorities in check and to keep God first.  Thanks for all that you do!  Happy Mother’s Day.

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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