A Plated Meal Meets the Drill

If you’re looking for a dull moment, then you’re in the wrong spot.  I’m not sure we have ever had just a normal day.  It’s what keeps life interesting and tests our abilities to remain positive.  We’re glass half full kind of people.

Last weekend, we had a beautiful wedding reception.  I wish I was a better photographer because I clearly wasn’t able to capture its beauty.  Last year, we started offering plated meals.  They are more complicated than our standard buffet meal, so it has been a learning curve.  After doing several last year, we felt confident that we could make things happen in 2013.  So far this year, we have had four plated meals!  I think we finally have a good system down.

Our conference center is very versatile, so when our bride asked us to change up the room, we were happy to oblige.  She wanted a “King’s Table” in the center of the room and the guests were surrounding their table.  We have done this set up a few times.  It’s my favorite.  That being said, it is all the male staff members least favorite because it requires moving the dance floor which isn’t exactly a fun job.


The King’s Table is located in the center of the room.  It allows the wedding party to be at a big table where they can see each other.


The tables were all set and ready for the guests to arrive.  They had a social time prior to being served the meal.


It was our intention to have the social time outside on the deck, but the weather wasn’t really cooperating.  The event was moved inside.  When guests arrived, they were directed to their seating assignments by a big board that the bride had made.


We had originally planned to plate both the cake and salad and have it ready and waiting for the guests when they were seated after the social hour.  Because of the weather, we decided to only plate the cake.


We were quite certain that many guests would probably eat the cake as an appetizer, but most actually practiced restraint and waited until after their dinner was served.


The highlight of the evening was when the screws came out of the hinges on our service doors, so in the middle of everything, we had to bring out the drill to reattach the door.  I have never understood why things always seems to break when you least expect it.  Over the years, I have come to expect it.  It keeps us on our toes.


We know how to have fun.  What’s your preferred method of food service?  Plated meals or buffet line?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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