A Place to Rest

Our miniature golf course opened on June 30, 2004.  I wasn’t there.  Yep, that’s right.  I missed opening day.  I had a good reason, though.  I was in the hospital having just given birth to my daughter the night before.  I often wonder how I managed to find the time to have my daughter in June.  It is easily our busiest month of the year.  She made a stop at the golf course on her way home from the hospital!

It’s hard to believe that we have had our miniature golf course for 9 years!  Time sure does fly by.   From the beginning, we planned to install benches on the minigolf.  I’m not sure how nine years went by without us getting to that project, but it did.  Last fall, our outside guys got to work building some benches for the main golf course.  I asked them to build a few for the miniature golf while they were at it.

The benches are sunk into the ground pretty deeply, so we had to go rent an auger from Star Equipment in Des Moines.  They are always good to us.  I called in the morning and one of my staff members picked it up an hour later.  I can’t complain about that service!


The auger is a two man job, so the boys got to work drilling out deep holes on the miniature golf course, so we could sink the legs in deep for stability.  Once the holes were dug, they began placing the base to the benches.


They had several benches to install, so they made their way around the miniature golf course.


Once the legs were sunk into the ground, they had to tidy up their work area to make the whole bench area look seamless.


It took them most of the morning to get the bench bases in place.


Once Niko and Austin were done with their project, it was time for Doug to make an appearance and attach the top portion of the bench.  Sometimes carpentry work requires a fair amount of forethought.  I can just picture the wheels turning in his head.


He lined everything up with the bench bases and attached the tops.

IMG_9456 Boom, Pow.  How do you like me now?  A bench on which to rest your weary legs!


Here’s another bench near number 16.  I picture us like the little engine that could.  Chugging along.  One project at a time.  Knocking them off the list.  Is there an end in sight?  Probably not, but at least the miniature golf finally has benches!


How about you?  Have you put something off on your to do list for nine years?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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