S-A--T-U-R--D-A-Y Night!

Sing it with me!

We are a highly seasonable business.  For the most part, we are a pretty hopping place for about 3 months out of the year.  There are 52 weekends in a year, so we make the best of them.  That is, those twenty weekends in the summer months when our Iowa weather cooperates.

It isn’t uncommon for us to have over a thousand people pass through our doors on a weekend.  When we think about that, it kind of blows our mind.  Given that my family built the golf course, it can often just feel like a second home.  One of my favorite things to do is to sit outside of my house and listen to the laughter taking place at the golf course and miniature golf course.  I honestly can’t describe how good that makes me feel.  Our family has worked so hard to bring something good to our community.  It’s so rewarding when we can hear it!

On Saturdays, I walk through the kitchen about one hundred times.  Every time I walk through, I yell out, “Who’s having fun?”  Pans are clanking, knives are chopping, the dishes are piling up, but I always get laughter when I ask that question.

I always wait until after the weekend to tell mom how many people she cooked for, otherwise, I think I’d make her sick.  “Way to go mom!  You cooked for 567 people on Saturday!  Let’s see what I can do to top that for next weekend, shall we?”

Same goes for my counter staff.  On Saturdays, we are busily preparing for multiple events to take place.  They are busy wiping tables, checking in golfers, serving food, moving chairs, spreading out linens and handing out minigolf gear.  “Who’s having fun?” I ask.  “We are!”  They reply.  They know the drill.

Over the years, we have been able to design our facility, so that we can have multiple events taking place at the same time and they are all left un-bothered by one another.  It’s a great design.  Guests always talk to me about how nice it is to have their own private area.  We have three main rooms, each can hold a different amount of people, but they are private and each one has its own outdoor seating area attached.  Let’s face it, when you’re at a golf course, you want to spend some time outside.

On this particular Saturday evening, we had a wedding ceremony outside and reception taking place in our events center, a surprise birthday party in our Golfer’s Lounge and Altoona Chamber’s Wine Tasting taking place on our driving range under a tent.

Our wedding reception had a fabulous food selection!  The guests had so much fun going through the massive salad and pasta bar followed up by an ice cream station.


The groom was a photographer, so he invited the guests to take pictures for the couple throughout the evening.  They placed a photo scavenger hunt list on the tables at the reception as well as the chairs to the ceremony with a disposable camera.

IMG_9265I can’t wait to hear how the pictures turned out!

The bride and groom treated all of their guests to miniature golf directly following their ceremony.


Guests enjoyed a social hour at the front of our building and visited and watched as people had fun playing miniature golf.


In our Golfer’s Lounge, we had a surprise birthday party.  This family had so much fun.  They stayed at our place longer than the wedding party!  Earlier in the day, the dad (it was his birthday) played golf with his sons and family members.  After the 18th hole, the whole group surprised him in the cart parking area.  He was completely unsuspecting.  It was such a gorgeous night that they spent a lot of time outside.IMG_9325While I was walking around checking on all the events, I enjoyed the vibrant enthusiasm of guests at the golf course.  There are so many fun things to celebrate in life!

The moon was full and bright.  Luckily, no vampires or werewolves were around.

IMG_9322The wine tasting took place on our driving range under a tent.  This is a great area because the miniature golf course and bathrooms are nearby.  It’s a flat area that works well for tented events.  Guests gathered in the tent to visit and sample Iowa wine.

IMG_9311After visiting with all our happy guests, I walked into the kitchen to give my mom a high five.  There’s nothing more rewarding than to see smiling faces who are creating memories that will last a lifetime.  I’d say that it was a pretty fun Saturday night!

How about you?  Have you ever gotten surprised for your birthday?  Did you ever cook for 500 people and live to tell the tale?

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We’re a family owned and operated golf course. Built in 1973, the Brady family continues to provide family’s with a great golf experience.


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