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April 17, 2015/

Please tell me I’m not the only one.  I had countless printer problems today.  As in, I finally kicked the printer (literally). Although kicking the printer solved the problem that it wouldn’t close, it did cause a small piece…

July 1, 2014/

In case you missed it, I’ve been lacking in my regular posting schedule.  I hate it because writing about the adventures of Toad Valley ranks right up there as one of my favorite things to do.  If I’m not…

May 22, 2014/

You know how you make something look really pretty, then you stop and look around and realize everything around it looks ugly?  Yeah.  That happened to me.  When we finished the pergola for the ceremony site, we were so…

May 20, 2014/

We have had a count down for two years to prepare for our new ceremony site.  The stage of the pergola had been built, so it was time to get our stain on!  The trouble with April and May…

May 5, 2014/

It’s been a long time coming, but it looks like it will be ready for this coming weekend when we host our first outdoor ceremony for the year.  Building this new site has been a nearly two year long…

April 30, 2014/

We have been knocking out projects left and right around here.  Having a late/cold spring means that time is not working in our favor.  When the weather is decent, we do our best to complete as many projects as…

April 11, 2014/

When you grow up in your family’s business, it feels more like home than an actual business.  It’s a hard feeling to describe.  There’s just a familiarity about it.  Every once and awhile, we’ll do something that seems pretty…

February 18, 2014/

In this post, I mentioned that we had some cabinets that needed to be installed in the Golfer’s Lounge.  The Golfer’s Lounge is a building that stands alone just south of our main clubhouse.   It was built as…

February 17, 2014/

When we last left off our super hero, Jason, was busily removing staples from the backs of the seat cushions preparing to put on new material. While I was having fun in Florida, Jason and Theresa stayed back home…

February 5, 2014/

Growing up on a golf course means you are often roped into helping out your parents.  Even though you’re too young to work elsewhere.  I don’t remember the exact age I started picking up garbage on the golf course,…

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