“The Par 18 Chipping Drill.” Here’s the premise. Lots of players hit the ball well, but they can’t score. For years, I was that guy. Essentially, I could move the ball around the course nicely, but I’d have trouble…
“The Par 18 Chipping Drill.” Here’s the premise. Lots of players hit the ball well, but they can’t score. For years, I was that guy. Essentially, I could move the ball around the course nicely, but I’d have trouble…
I’m going to encourage players to stop putting at a hole during warmup. Most people just toss a couple of balls down 15 feet from the hole and try to make them. The odds of making those putts are…
The Angle Drill As I’ve played golf throughout the years, the biggest issue I’ve had is overdoing things. When I get a helpful tip for my golf swing, I immediately do TOO MUCH of it. I reason, “Well, if…
Part 2 When thinking about strategy, plan for your best and prepare for your miss (Part 1 of a two-part series) In Part 1 of this series, we talked about how filling our brains with the right thoughts will…
(Part 1 of a two-part series) Recently I took a series of lessons from Rob Randall, the teaching professional at Legacy Golf Club in Norwalk. The main objective? Bring my practice game to the course. Maybe you’re like me…
Have trouble hitting your drive straight? Give this drill a try the next time you’re on the driving range. Take spin off your drives to hit it straighter While a downward blow is great for your irons, it’s a…
The outside crew have been busy getting the course looking good. A huge part of that is making sure our watering system is working properly. Let’s just say that as soon as I strike oil, I’m going to…
When you have a family business, you start working at an early age. I started helping my dad change the cups on the golf course when I was two. He always said, “You’re such a great helper. With you,…
Jason spent a total of 22 hours working on the pool. He thought there might be some other numbers nerds out there so here are some stats. 2195 total correct picks 372 Unique individuals with at least 1 correct…