Toad Valley Men's League

Our Men’s Club is a fun filled day every Tuesday. You’ll enjoy great pay outs for prizes with a new event every week. It begins the first week in April and last through the last Tuesday in September.

Tee times are available all day long with permanent tee times available. Price to join is $65 which is a prize fund that will be distributed weekly. Each week, you will be extended a discounted rate which is pay for 9 and play 18 and a discount on your cart. 

Winners are posted the following week and prize money is put into your account at the club.

2024 Calendar of Events

Our Men’s League is designed, so that every golfer (no matter their skill level) has a chance to win a weekly prize. The games are posted weekly when you come to the golf course.



  • Play your own round


  • Play your own round


  • Play your own round
  • Players are paired by computer choice randomly to create 2 man teams


  • Play your own round
  • Keep track of your score AND your putts
  • Place your number of putts in front of your score on each hole to create your game score.

For Example:

  • 7 with 2 putts = 27
  • 10 with 3 putts = 310  
  • 5 with no putts = 5

Any shot hit ON the green is a putt. Shots with putter OFF of the green do not count toward putt total.


  • Play your own round, but keep track of putts
  • Player with most putts wins and player with least putts wins




  • Play your own round
  • Add the digits of your score together continuously until you have a 1 digit number
  • The one digit number is your lottery number
  • One number is randomly drawn.
  • All players with the correct lottery number split the pot


Player shooting 36 = (3 +6) 9

Player shooting 39 = (3 + 9 = 12)…(1 + 2) 3

There is a cheat sheet figuring all numbers for you when you write in your scores.


  • Play your own round
  • Subtract your age from your score to create your game score


  • 70 year old Don shoots 40 is then a -30 score
  • 30 year old Biff shoots 40 is then a 10 score


  • Pick teams with 2 or 3 players
  • This is a BEST SHOT game
  • All players hit each shot.
  • The best shot is picked from those shots.
  • All players hit each shot until one player holes out.


  • 2 or 3 man teams
  • 2-week event
  • Each team uses the best ball score on the hole for the team score
  • Using a bracket system teams will be matched up against another team, the better scoring team will “knockout” the other team and will advance to the next round
  • The losing team will move to the loser bracket and play in it the following week



  • 2 or 3 man teams
  • 2-week event
  • Each team uses the best ball score on the hole for the team score
  • Using a bracket system teams will be matched up against another team, the better scoring team will “knockout” the other team and will advance to the next round
  • The losing team will move to the loser bracket and play in it the following week


  • Play your OWN Ball
  • Players will be randomly placed on ONE of FOUR teams.
  • The lowest average score of the Four teams will be crowned the winning team.
  • Each player of the winning team will receive the same amount of the prize money
  • The top two lowest averages for the team will receive prize money
  • Turn in your scorecard 


  • Play your own round
  • 5 random holes are set up in as easy a manner as possible (Harmony)
  • 4 random holes are set up as unfairly as possible while still staying with USGA guidelines (Misery)


  • 3, 4, or 5 man teams
  • Select a pink golf ball provided by Toad Valley
  • Before your round predetermine who will use the pink ball on each hole
  • Rotate through team member using pink ball
  • Pink ball score is the team’s score on each hole
  • If you lose the pink ball your team is out

Rotation Examples

3 man team: Joe uses the pink ball on holes 1, 4 and 7. Bill uses it 2, 5 and 8. Tom uses it 3, 6 and 9

4 man team: Sam uses the pink ball on holes 1, 5 and 9. Jerry uses it 2 and 6. Steve uses it 3 and 7. Phil uses it on 4 and 8

5 man team: Al uses the pink ball on 1 and 6. George uses it 2 and 7. Gus uses it 3 and 8. Henry uses it 4 and 9.  Tiger uses it on 5 only



Foot Wedge



  1. When a golfer uses his or her foot to kick their golf ball a few feet to give themselves a better lie before they hit their next shot

How to use in a sentence:

“I think my favorite club is easily my foot wedge”

  • Play your own round
  • You get one footwedge shot per hole (9 total)
  • You can use your foot wedge anywhere on the hole, a foot wedge does not go beyond 4 feet


  • Play your own round
  • Keep track of your score AND your putts
  • Place your number of putts after your score on each hole to create your game score

7 with 2 putts = 72
10 with 3 putts = 103
5 with no putts = 5

Any shot hit ON the green is a putt. Shots with putter OFF of the green do not count toward putt total.


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event

4 different age groups

  • 18 hole 64 and under
  • 18 hole 65 and over
  •  9 hole 64 and under
  •  9 hole 65 and over

Overall champion will play from regular tees.

7/23 – Club Championship


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event

4 different age groups

  • 18 hole 64 and under
  • 18 hole 65 and over
  •  9 hole 64 and under
  •  9 hole 65 and over

Overall champion will play from regular tees.


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event

4 different age groups

  • 18 hole 64 and under
  • 18 hole 65 and over
  •  9 hole 64 and under
  •  9 hole 65 and over

Overall champion will play from regular tees.

7/23 – Club Championship


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event

4 different age groups

  • 18 hole 64 and under
  • 18 hole 65 and over
  •  9 hole 64 and under
  •  9 hole 65 and over

Overall champion will play from regular tees.


  • Select 2 or 3 man teams
  • On each hole all team members hit a tee shot
  • The best shot is then picked
  • Each player continues the hole from that point playing their individual ball
  • The team score is the lowest (best) ball from all team members
  • Write your score (w/full names of all players) on the scoresheet 
  • Turn your card in.



  • Play your own round
  • Players are paired by computer choice randomly to create 2 man teams


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event
  • Score = players individual score – handicap
  • 18 or 9 holes may be played
  • You must commit to either 18 or 9 holes before you tee off on the 1st hole on the 1st day.


  • Play your own round
  • 2 week event
  • Score = players individual score – handicap
  • 18 or 9 holes may be played
  • You must commit to either 18 or 9 holes before you tee off on the 1st hole on the 1st day.


  • Play Your Own Round
  • Each group will need one bag provided by staff
  • The bag will include FOUR strings and one pair of scissors
  • Each player in the group gets one string.
  • Use your string to improve your lie. The catch is that you must cut off the amount of string each time you use it.
  • Using the string does NOT count as a stroke

Jim lands on the green 6 inches short of the hole, to use his string he would measure out the same distance on his string and cut 6 inches off the string shortening the amount of string he has left to use. Jim could use the remaining length on multiple other shots or one. Each time removing the string he used.



  • Play regular game.
  • Teams of 3, 4 or 5
  • On Holes 1, 4, and 7, the Teams Scores the Lowest Score.
  • On Holes 2, 5, and 8, the Team scores the Worst Score
  • On Holes 3, 6, and 9, the Team scores are ALL scores.


  • Select 2 or 3 man teams
  • Play your own round
  • Winning score is the worst score from each hole


  • Form a 2, 3, or 4 person team
  • 3 different formats
  • Holes 1-3: Shamble – Every on the team tees off, the group decides on the best drive and then plays their own golf ball in from that position.
  • Holes 4-6: Scramble/Best Shot – Every player tees off, the best drive is chosen and all the players play from that spot. This routine is continued until the ball is holed.
  • Holes 7-9: Individual Best Ball – Every player plays their own golf ball and the team score is the low ball of the group.
  • Turn your scorecards into the box.

How to determine the team score.

Shamble: The low score of the team is the team’s score

Best Shot: The team’s score is the Best Shot Score.

Best Ball: The low score of the team is the team’s score


  • Play your own game
  • Multiple pin events on all 9 holes
  • No player will win more than 1 event
  • Score is not counted


  • 12:37 pm Shotgun start (Dad’s standing tee time on Tuesdays for 48 years)
  •  4 Man Best Shot
  • Registration Required – Opens on September 1
  • Cost – $40 includes meal, prize fund, golf and cart