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February 4, 2014/

Winter.  It’s the best time of the year. Tongue in cheek. There’s just nothing like waking up while it’s still dark out and heading to a shop that can’t get above 50 degrees because the windchill is -40 outside. …

February 3, 2014/

When I was a young girl, my dad used to read me a book about Bert and Ernie.  The beginning of the story featured Ernie who demanded that Bert put a pot on his head.  When Bert asked why,…

January 31, 2014/

This is a public service announcement.  If you’re one of those people who leans back on your chair, so that it’s on its two back legs.  Break the habit.  Seriously.  Your mom will thank me.  Businesses and school custodians…

January 30, 2014/

My parents and family are so good to me.  I often get some crazy ideas.  I’ll look at something and my wheels start turning.  Suddenly, I’m not sleeping at night and I’m making plans to execute my idea.  The…

January 29, 2014/

We have so many projects going on right now that our heads are starting to spin.  Let’s back up a little.  In November, we bought a bunch of supplies from a kitchen that was being torn down.  This brought…

January 25, 2014/

We put in our miniature golf in 2004.  Over the years, we have seen steady growth in miniature golfers.  Sometimes it seems like customers are kind of like compound interest.  You don’t start out with many, then you get…

November 11, 2013/

It isn’t any secret that our parking lot needs some attention.  Unfortunately, it’s always one of those things that gets pushed to the back burner because it takes such a big bite out of the ole’ budget.  Three years…

November 5, 2013/

Cooler temperatures mean that our grass is growing at a slower rate.  We have been continuing to water in our grass because we planted almost 15 acres of seed and we want it to be well established in the…

November 4, 2013/

First of all.  I need to apologize about this post on two levels.  1) It’s really late.  I forgot I had these pictures on my camera.  2)  I wasn’t the one who took these pictures.  I forgot to tell…

October 31, 2013/

The ropes that serve as the boundaries to our ponds up at the minigolf have definitely seen better days.  They were fraying and looking pretty tough.  Earlier this year, we had tried to repair them, but it wasn’t working. …

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